20 Simple Habits for Massive Personal Success

Building these small and tiny habits can bring you significant success in your personal and professional growth. Consciously and unconsciously, practicing them consistently contributes to massive results you never would have achieved.

It is an unarguable fact that the formation of character and lifestyle have their roots in small habits compounded over time. And this is how your personal growth can be transformed by these simple habits for success.

Small Habits for Massive Personal Success
Small Habits for Massive Personal Success

20 Simple Habits for Massive Personal Success

There are numerous self-help strategies and approaches suggested by experts and authorities on this subject matter. Here are 20 simple habits for massive personal success:

  1. Rise before the sun
  1. Write down your schedule
  1. Read to nourish your mind
  1. Make your bed neatly before you leave
  1. Track your finances
  1. Eat right and well
  1. Prioritize your tasks and time
  1. Smile often
  1. Exercise your muscle
  1. Don’t forget to rest
  1. Create room for great habits
  1. Report early and be the last to leave
  1. Embrace change
  1. See the value in setbacks
  1. Be kind to a stranger every day
  1. Listen to yourself attentively
  1. Show gratitude
  1. Visit your vision board every night
  1. No blue rays after 9pm
  1. Never miss twice

1. Rise before the Sun | Simple Habits for Personal Success

At least wake up 2 hours early before the sun rises. There is great deal of benefits that makes your day more meaningful by rising early. It gives you enough quality and quiet time to plan your day. At that time, your mind is at peace and functioning effective. This allows you to travel through the day before it gets distorted by distractions.

2. Write down your schedule

Take a pen and paper to write down all the schedules and tasks you are up to in the course of the day. No matter how small, big, important, or urgent they are, just write them down. This will help you organize your day effectively and prioritize your efforts and resources efficiently. You can write them on a sticky notepad and carry it with you.

3. Read to nourish your mind | Simple Habits for Personal Success

Acquiring new information from books, podcasts, and other educational resources are essential to your growth. Your professional, personal, and spiritual life needs minerals of information for enrichment and discernment. At least reading 10 pages of a book in your field, consistently for 3 months will give you extra skills to command influence, make impacts and increase your income steadily.

4. Make your bed neatly before you leave

Consider yourself coming back from work very tired. You came home to find your bed heaped with clothes, books, and other belongings in a disorganized manner. How would you feel? Stressed, exactly. Preparing your bed neatly before leaving for work communicates orderliness and readiness. This also triggers you psychologically to have a good sleep and rest after a hard day’s work.

5. Track your finances | Simple Habits for Personal Success

Your money is your power to do so many important things. It can also be the reason why you can’t live a happy and fulfilled life. Write down all your income and expenditure. Assign part of your income to savings, investments, and emergencies. Review your expenditure to remove items that are not urgent and avoid impulse buying.

Track Your Finances | Small Habits for Massive Personal Success

6. Eat right and well

Just as you will not buy any fuel for your car, so must you not eat any food for your health’s sake. Eating the right type of food at the appropriate time will ensure good digestion. Eat more of fresh fruits and veggies. Limit the in take of sugar, fatty foods and carbonated drinks. Drink more water to stay hydrated at all time.

>>>> 10 Mindful Eating Habits for Weight Management <<<<

7. Prioritize your tasks and time

We are in an era where everyone is busy working to meet timelines in a rush. It is not always about procrastination but multitasking. You have a limited time as your strength and ability diminishes after every task. Look through your schedules for the day, mark the tasks that have urgency and necessity. Work on them one after the other. Excellent and quality work are produced when you prioritize your task and time. You can use this simple approach (3D approach) to analyze your schedule:

  • Do it

Items on your schedules which demands your skills, expertise and knowledge with limited timeline and high value should be categorized here.

  • Delegate it

Tasks that are not urgent, can be handled by subordinates and do not require expertise are classified for delegation.

  • Delete it

These are items which brings no value and have elapsed their significance and benefits are supposed to be dropped.

8. Smile often | Simple Habits for Personal Success

Your smile is your universal language of warmth and positivity. It easily informs others your current mood and a welcoming environment. Smiling often comes with numerous psychological and health benefits. A beautiful smile on your face makes you more sociable and friendly. Why wouldn’t you smile often and give your face a brighter change?

9. Exercise your muscle

Make it a priority to exercise your body. Allow all the parts of your body to feel some shakes and movements. A visit to the gym once a week. Jogging with a keep fit club on weekends. Opting to walk from home to the next grocery shop. And riding bicycle to work every Friday are some simple exercises you can try out. Doing these regularly allows organs and systems in your body to function well.

10. Don’t forget to rest

Resting is not for the weak, but for those who yearn to perform on world-class standards. You can’t cheat nature. Your body need rest to replenish, refresh and repair itself. Take some time off from work and busy schedules. Have enough quality sleep. Go on a nature walk and observe. Spend good time with the family and friends during your off days.

>>>> How to Get A Better Sleep Easily. <<<<

11. Create room for great habits |Simple Habits for Personal Success

You know yourself better than anyone else. Put conducive measures in place that will help you stop bad habits. Replace unwanted lifestyle and practices with more motivating and fulfilling ones. Promise yourself a reward after reaching a milestone along the journey.

12. Report early and be the last to leave

Go to the workplace early before the actual time for work begins. Even if you don’t have any reason to be there early. Be the last person to leave the work premises. Cultivating this tiny habit gives you extra hours to complete unfinished task. It creates a positive impression about you and tells others how you make good use of your time. Many side-hustle businesses are attended to during these hours.

13. Embrace change | Simple Habits for Personal Success

It is inevitable and constant in our professional and personal endeavors. A sudden updates and upgrade are bound to happen along the line. Don’t coil in and resist. Rather take some time and learn how to adapt to the change. Remember, before you change anything in your life, consider important factors that need no changes. Knowing what to change and the unchangeable can help you from regrets.

14. See the value in setbacks

Be reminded that your goals and plans won’t always be achieved on a silver platter. Rejections, setbacks, failures and challenges will have their way into your life. When that time meets you, train yourself to see the opportunities, advantages and benefits these potholes bring. They happen to us to become more wiser, intelligent, resilient and suggest better directions and alternatives.

Building Resilience And Mental Strength
See the Value in Setbacks Track Your Finances | Small Habits for Massive Personal Success

15. Be kind to a stranger everyday

A lot of people are fighting silent battles in their privacy. Stress, hunger, heart breaks, disappointments, poverty and other challenges. If by chance someone approach you in this state, do not hesitate to show them your love and kindness. Give them your patience, money, time, food, listening ear, and mentorship where necessary. Before you sleep on your bed, make it a habit of helping a stranger every day. You are not just helping them. Rather contributing something meaningful to humanity.

16. Listen to yourself attentively | Simple Habits for Personal Success

There is this silent voice in you that often speaks. You can call it instinct. Listen to that voice attentively and analyze what it tells you very well. It is you communicating to you. That small voice has the power to motivate and inspire you. It carries the ability to help you make better predictions. This voice influences your thoughts, actions and feelings. Your mind is programmed to obey this voice consciously and unconsciously. So, listen to your dear self attentively.

17. Show gratitude

You owe no one a right for help, support or assistance in any way or form. If by chance, someone gracefully extends a helping hand, show gratitude to the person. It doesn’t matter the amount or size of the help given you. Let your helper feel and seen your heartfelt appreciation. The more grateful you become, the more assistance and help you attract.

18. Visit your vision board every night

A vision board can be a sheet of paper that have a list of your goals, dreams and aspirations. Paste it in your room where you can easily see and read it. Give yourself that treat to read through the vision board every night before you sleep. This sends signals to your mind and prepares you to channel your thinking towards achieving those goals and dreams. If you don’t have a vision board, it is a high time you write a clear and realistic one for yourself.

19. No blue rays after 9pm | Simple Habits for Personal Success

Stay away from your phone, computer or television set after 9pm. These electronic devices emit blue rays which makes sleeping difficult to come. Don’t forget that your body is already exhausted and you need some good night sleep. Checking social media notifications on your phone, confirming e-mail messages from the laptop and staying glued to the latest Netflix series on the TV set after 9pm prolongs your sleep and rest.

No Blue Rays after 9PM | Small Habits for Massive Personal Success
No Blue Rays after 9PM | Small Habits for Massive Personal Success

20. Never miss twice

Starting to develop this small but needful habits for massive personal success won’t be all rosery. There will be a time where you will lose guard and slip back. It is a gradual process as you build them. But never miss twice. Put it in practice and do not let any opportunity for growth and success slip your hands the second time.

Conclusion | Simple Habits for Personal Success

Taking charge of your personal growth and development is your sole responsibility. And these are recommended small and easy-to-do habits that can give you personal success. It is up to you to select the best that suit your needs and area of interest. Embrace them and supercharge your growth.

Written & Edited By:

Arthur Kwame Philip

Arthur Kwame Philip

Digital Marketer || Entrepreneur || Social Activist || Educationist || Social Media Enthusiast||

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